Les références des articles disponibles se trouvent au bas de la page.
Références :
Archibald MM, Lawless M, Harvey G, et al. (2018). Transdisciplinary research for impact: protocol for a realist evaluation of the relationship between transdisciplinary research collaboration and knowledge translation. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021775. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021775. Disponible ici.
Flynn, R., Rotter, T., Hartfield, D. et al. A realist evaluation to identify contexts and mechanisms that enabled and hindered implementation and had an effect on sustainability of a lean intervention in pediatric healthcare. BMC Health Serv Res 19, 912 (2019). Disponible ici.
Mazzocato, P., Savage, C., Brommels, M., Aronsson, H., Thor, J. (2009). Lean thinking in healthcare: a realist review of the literature. BMJ Quality and Safety. 19:376-382. Disponible ici.
Tyler, I., Lynam, J., O’Campo, P. et al. It takes a village: a realist synthesis of social pediatrics program. Int J Public Health 64, 691–701 (2019). Disponible ici.
Van Belle, S., Boydell, V., Georges, A.S., Brinkerhof, D.W., Khosla, R. (2018). Broadening understanding of accountability ecosystems in sexual and reproductive health and rights: A systematic review. Plos One. Disponible ici.